1. Setup itelte for Desktop
2. Run 'itelte.exe'. But, we apologize that, you should see the warning message below.
If you trust us, please click 'More info' link and then click 'Run anyway' button.
2. Move the unzipped file 'itelte' (or 'itelte.app') to Applications folder.
3. Open menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility.
After clicking the lower left lock icon, add itelte for Desktop to the list and check it on.
2. Get itelte for Smartphone
Go App Store or Google Play with your smartphone.
After installing, run it and tap upper right icon to open settings page to choose Connection Mode.
Bluetooth Mode
If both of your smartphone and desktop computer support BLE, or Bluetooth Low Energy technology (don't worry, almost recent devices will support it,) you can choose Bluetooth Mode by turning 'Connection Mode' on 'Bluetooth'.
After a while, itete for Desktop will discover your smartphone automatically.
Wi-Fi Mode (default)
If your device does not support BLE or you want more stable connection way, choose to use Wi-Fi Mode.
Enter 'PC Address' and 'Port' parameters, these can be found on itelte for Desktop menu 'Connection > Wi-Fi'.
'PC Address' and 'Port' parameters may change by shutting down your desktop computer or other reasons.
Your smartphone and desktop computer must connect to same Wi-Fi network.
3. Set Shortcuts
If everything goes well, itelte for Desktop will react to your hand gestures via itelte for Smartphone. It's high time to assign the shortcuts!
Itelte for Desktop will list running applications on left side, or click 'Reload Applications' to refresh the list.
Select a name of target application on the list and enter a shortcut by typing keyboard. After setting, click 'Save Setting'.
You must keep itelte for Desktop running while working with itelte for Smartphone.